Hello Friends,
Get out your calendars and make plans to attend some of these events next week! Did you know that all of the city’s committee meetings are open to the public and that often there are several committees of interest meeting each week? If you have an interest in something or are curious about how decisions are made, you can find the committees, their minutes, agendas and meeting times, and locations on the city website. You can sign up to receive the Mayor’s weekly newsletter to your inbox to help keep you up to date on the goings on about town. In my experience, most committees are really excited when community members show up. They appreciate the interest in their hard work, so check one out!
Monday, September 18th at the Audi. 4:30 to 5:30 p.m
NH Civics Event FREE. Civics & Civility: A Conversation with Gov. Chris Sununu and Laura Knoy on. REGISTRATION is required.
Tuesday, September 19, at Concord High School Auditorium. A Community Visioning Charrette for Memorial Field. 5:30-7:30 p.m. To learn about the history and current situation read here.
Sunday, September 24, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Keach Park
The annual Concord Multicultural Festival
Concord School District Middle School Site community meetings.
In-person, 6pm Tuesday, September 26, at Mill Brook School.
Zoom meeting, 6pm Wednesday, September 27. To join the Zoom meeting click on https://sau8-org.zoom.us/j/82807774305?pwd=RDkyYjkrUkh2Z3pCUGJzK0JPeVFSUT09 . Meeting ID 828 0777 4305, Passcode 281675.
Hope to see many of you soon!